
Action taimanin h scenes
Action taimanin h scenes

action taimanin h scenes

Rinko doesn't mind having a threesome, having kissed Yukikaze as a child before (as a test). Rinko pushes Yukikaze to be more direct with her brother amd puts herself last to Yukikaze in romantic matters, refusing to follow her own pursuit of Tatsurou, unless Yukikaze has slept with him first. They talk about private worries or happy moments but Rinko will not reveal her feelings towards Tatsuro. RInko will help Yukikaze to find her mother, even if this comes with significant self-sacrific. Correcting Yukikaze if she acts rashly and protective of her since childhood. Rinko and Yukikaze are best friends, with Rinko acting like her older respected sister and confidant. Overall, she is really protective of Yukikaze and Tatsurou, except when her mind is broken. Though Rinko will push Yukikaze to be more active towards her brother, she also wouldn't reject a threesome or going second if needed. Acting as an older sister to Yukikaze, both seem to have a great relationship, Rinko being her wing-woman in a way, that puts Yukikaze first. Though shy at times, she can be very blunt and clumsy about erotic matters. As a result, other Gosha students assume that she is interested in girls and made a female fan club.Ī hidden brocon, in the main canon towards her brother but feels deeply embarrassed on the matter. Rinko shows very little interest in dating and most men, keeping her personal interest on the matter hidden. Her overall trustworthy nature is above the level of people like Yukikaze, who tends to be more doubtful but sometimes blindly trusts Rinko's judgment. As a result, when asking her teacher Igawa Sakura about "battle underwear", Sakura misunderstood the question "competition in the bedroom" and recommended certain erotic underwear, which Rinko then proceeded to wear. She tends to take advice the wrong way, or doesn't fully grasp certain aspects of modern slang, as she is so old-fashioned and disconnected from modern culture. She is often fooled, even by obvious lies. Rinko can be at times very naive, as she lacks street smarts. Though she is considered an elite honor student, in the context of battle she has great instincts. Overall, she is very patient and gentle with her friends. She can suppress her emotions and put on a fake smile for undercover missions easier than Yukikaze, who easily blows up at any provocation or freely displays her frustration.


Rinko follows a strict warrior code and values training, when forced to kill she's fast and merciful. Rinko has a feminine side to her, she's happy about the cuteness of her maid costume in TY2 but she can become jealous of others and pout. She can still lose her cool (when insulted over her huge chest) which puts her into a blind rage. She can be stubborn with her desire for responsibility, and even when talking to her brother, she sometimes comes across like a parent.


Rinko is a mostly mature, strict, very honorable and professional person and talks in a polite tone.

Action taimanin h scenes